In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
While the people of Iraq aspire to establish the principles of democracy which are based on the foundations of equity and non-discrimination between the children of the same country, we find that some people are seeking to trespass these values thru adopting allocation schemes that may lead to knock the national cohesion, including the call for founding an army and security services on the basis of factional, sectarian of regional allegiances.
The CINU rejects and strongly all these political premises, and warns of being a potential to pull the country down into dire consequences on the short and long runs; and calls for immediate stop of going thru this approach, additionally, it appeals to support army and furnish it with modern military equipments, consolidate patriotism in the hearts of its members and keep them away from the militias and their respective impacts, and that the only ideology of the army and security forces is that of maintaining the security in the country and defend it, if need were so.
Political bureau
13/Rabia I/1430 A.H
2/September/ 2004 A.D